All sets will mail beginning of December.
Choose from drop down:
BOX ONLY: includes only the burned box with antlers, no contents or rituals.
DRAWSTRING BAG: All contents included in a large red drawstring bag (box not included)
BOX SET: includes all contents, rituals, & burned box with antlers.
(DEC. 22-JANUARY 2nd)
The Winter Solstice is the shortest day & longest night of the year with the sun at its shortest peak, marking Midwinter & the darkest part of the Pagan Wheel. This is a turning point, not only in the Wheel, but in our own lives. As the Celtics believed that all life springs from death & all light shines from darkness, the Winter Solstice marks both the end & the beginning, a reminder that nothing truly ends, but runs in a continuous cycle. At this point, we are also changing. In preparation for new beginnings, it is important to protect & keep the harmony of one’s home, hearth, & family. To mark the Winter Solstice & the beginning of season, cultures around the world celebrate various festivals in honor of the season, deities, & preparation for renewal. The Romans celebrate Saturnalia, the Slavic observe Karachun, the Feast of Lucia in Scandinavia, Mutternacht of the Saxons, & most modernly celebrated, Yule, which has its roots extended in both Viking & Germanic histories.
The DRAWSTRING & BOX sets include:
-Box stained in red oak with Oak antlers & Yule burned in/Red Drawstring Bag (choose from drop down)
-Blessed Pinecone Fire Starter
-Wishing Paper (3 pcs. with card stand)
-Mini Yule Log with Parchment
-Birch Pencil
-2 Red/2 Green Bendable Beeswax Candles with Cinnamon Stick
-Winter Woods Brass Candle Stand
-White Altar Candle
-Yule Candle Blessing Dressing with Ground Peppermint, Mistletoe, Cinnamon, Blue Vervain, Garden Sage, Birch shark, & Holy Basil
-Roll of 10 Instant Light Coals
-Yuletide Blessings Incense Blend with Frankincense Resin, Peppermint, Birch Bark Shavings, Oak Bark Shavings, Juniper Berries, Mistletoe
-New Beginnings Incense Blend with Frankincense Resin, Myrrh Resin, Holy Basil, Whole Cloves, Orange Peel, Cinnamon Chips
-Winter Kindling Smokable Herbs with Deer’s Tongue, Honey bush, Rose, Klip Dagga, & Holy Basil
-Birch Slices (5) with Muslin Drawstring Bag
-Dried Mistletoe Pieces
-Yule Anointing Oil Blend with Frankincense, Myrrh, Pine, & Grape Seed Oils with Juniper Berries
-Deer Antler Tip
-Rough chunk of Green Jasper
-Rough chunk with Dalmatian Jasper
-Faux Fur Altar Cloth (White)
-Deity Cards
-Information & Ritual Pages
Rituals in the DRAWSTRING BAG & BOX Sets Include:
-Fire Blessing Fire Starter Ritual
-Yule Log Ritual
-Night of the Mothers Ritual
-Invoking Saturn, Folklore, & Offering
-Invoking the Holly King, Folklore, & Offering
-Yule Candle Blessing Ritual
-Mistletoe Ritual for Creativity
-Yule Bag of Attraction
-Yule Lad Folklore & Offering
-Ritual for Courage & Protection
-Wassailing Ritual
-Wish Upon a Northern Star Ritual
-Ritual for New Beginnings
-Stone Ritual for Green Jasper & Dalmatian Jasper
*Each item is hand-sourced or handmade with intention for celebrating & honoring the Mabon season. We do not make any guarantees on the outcome of each ritual, as each person is different.